
Gaster Gangxreader A New Arrival

Deviation Actions

DarkAngelGirl1116's avatar

Literature Text

“So yeah... that's what happened.”  Fell finished explaining as he motioned to the new monster.  Apparently Fell had found him wandering around in the void while he was on patrol.
He looked like a perfect blend of Swap and Fell.  His eyes were blue and orange like Swaps, but the tops had a hint of red mixed in creating an orange and a maroon color.  The cracks on his face mirrored Fell's.  He was wearing casual clothes: a black jacket lined with fur at the hood, a burnt orange turtle neck that was tucked into his black slacks, and sharp black shoes.  
“I see,”  Wing-Dings rubbed his chin in thought.  “Well we are going to have to rethink the sleeping situation.  Also we need to figure out what to call him.”
“Oh I know!”  Swap chirped happily with a raised hand.  “Since he looks like a combination of Fell and I why not call him Swapfell!”
Fell rolled his eyes.  “Figures.”
The new Gaster chuckled.  “It is accurate.”
“Hmm, then it's settled.  Now for where he sleeps.”  Wing-Dings stated.
“He can sleep with me in the living room for now,”  Fell commented.  “We can figure things out from there.”
“That sounds reasonable,”  Swapfell turned to me.  “Fell told me about there being several different versions of myself.  But he never said anything about a human female.”  He strode over to me and gently took my hand pressing his lips to my knuckles.  “And a pretty one at that.”
I blinked in surprise as I felt my face heat up a bit.  “Um thank you.  That's... very sweet of you to say.”  I looked away from him unsure of what to do next.  I felt his hand leave mine before lightly touching my chin.
Swapfell brought my face up to his again.  “Now why are you doing that?  Such a lovely gaze is wasted on the floor.”    My face must have been scarlet.
A cough made Swapfell turn his head.  I fallowed his gaze to see the  other five monsters wearing various expressions.  Wing-Dings wore his usual impatient look.  Beside him Stars seemed a bit confused; like he wasn't sure how to react.  Fell looked more irritated than usual.  B really wasn't phased much.  Finally Swap... no that couldn't be right... Swap's normal bright smile looked a bit irritated.
“Well then it's time for me to get back to the lab,”  Wing-Dings stated starting to walk out of the room.
“Oh!  You have a lab!”  Swapfell giddily let go of me and jogged over to Wing-Dings.  “Would you mind showing me?  I used to be one of the leading researchers in my world.  Perhaps I can be of assistance.”
Wing-Dings blinked surprised.  “I suppose.  Right now we are working on a way out of the void.”
“Yes, yes.  Fell already told me” Swapfell smiled leaving the room with Wing-Dings and Stars.  “In fact I think I might have a theory...”
The rest of the conversation was lost to me as I tried to steady my pounding heart.  Did that seriously just happen?
“Y/N!  Lets go play that game you were going to show me,”  Swap chirped grabbing my hand.  “Bye B!  Bye Fell!.”
I squeaked in confusion as he drug me towards my room.  “Wait Swap!  What game?”

As it turns out Swap had wanted me to teach him how to play old maid.  Even though the two of us had played this game together multiple times before.  I humored him for several rounds.  However, after about fifteen games I was beyond bored.  “We should probably get on dinner.  We've been here for a while now.”  I piped up after we finished round sixteen.
“Oh right!  Shall we then?”  Swap shot up putting the cards away in a hasty manner.  “I think I'll make vegan tacos tonight to celebrate our new arrival!”
I smiled over at him uncertainly.  “Sounds interesting.”
Swap gasped and whirled towards me clasping both of my hands.  “Oh that's right.  You've never had them either have you Y/N?  Don't worry they're my specialty.  I'm sure you'll like them.”  He sang with literal starts in his eyes.
“I'm sure I will,” I responded amused realizing he still hadn't let go of one of my hands as he started to walk out.
“Tra~la~la!  Time to cook!  Tra~la~la!”  He sang skipping down the hallway.

“There we go.  All done!  Y/N, would you mind fetching Wing-Dings and the others?  I'll take care of Fell and B.”  Swap asked wiping his hands off on a towel.
“Sure,”  I responded before walking out.

I opened the lab door a few minutes later.  “Hey guys dinner is-”
“Y/N look out!”  Stars cried as something glowing shot towards me.  I shrieked frozen before I felt something grab me and throw me against a wall.  The glowing ball whizzed past me, and left a black scorch mark on the wall behind where I had been standing.
I panted trying to shake off my momentary adrenaline.  “What the hell was that!?”
“Ah sorry Y/N,”  Swapfell scratched the back of his head nervously.  “An experiment went a bit astray from what we had intended.”
“Are you alright?”  Wing-Dings inquired with glowing yellow eyes and a raised hand.  I didn't tear your stitches did I?”
“Yes I..”  I slowly connected to dots and looked down to my chest.  My soul was glowing dark blue.  “Are you using magic on me?”  I asked amazed trying to lift a hand only to find it pinned to the wall.
“Yes,”  Wing-Dings lowered his hand.  I felt the force keeping me to the wall leave.  “Sorry it was the only way to keep you from harm.”
“It- it's OK,”  I gathered my breath leaning against the door frame.  “Anyway, Swap sent me get you guy's.  It's time for dinner.”
“Ah yes we'll be down in a minute,”  Wing-Dings waved me off checking over his notes.  
I took in a deep breath and leaned against the doorway.  'Be down in a minute.'  Yeah, like that was going to happen.  Swapfell looked at Stars confused by my actions.  The taller skeleton just smiled and motioned to Wing-Dings who was currently scribbling something down on his note pad.
I turned to the two of them.  “You two can go ahead we wont be long.”
Stars chuckled in amusement placing his own notes down.  “Come Swapfell.  I'm sure that Swap has plenty of questions for you about your world.”
I nodded to both of them as they walked out before starring at Wing-Dings with a smirk on my face.  He continued working for a minute before realizing I was still there.  “Are you going to stand there all night?”
“Are you actually going to come down for dinner?”
Wing-Dings huffed flipping to the next pace in his notes.  “I have work to do. It wont hurt to skip a meal.”
“You know Swap wont like that.  He's pretty strict on his everybody eats together rule.”  I stated taking a step forward.
Wing-Dings groaned rubbing the side of his skull.  “Yes he always has been rather insistent on hindering our research.”
“I know!  It's almost like he tries to take care of you or something!”  I exclaimed sarcastically.  “Now are you going to put your paperwork down or not?”
Dings gave me an annoyed look before going back to his notes.  “If you're giving me an option then I think I'll skip this meal.  I have a lot to catch up on.”
“Wing-Dings you have three seconds to put down your project and head downstairs,” I sang in warning crossing my arms.  “Or you're not going to like what happens next.”
“And what exactly is going to happ- Eep”  He squeaked as I threw him over my shoulder.  Wing-Dings started squirming.  “Would you put me down!  I have work to do!  I'm running behind schedule as it is.”
“What schedule?”  I snarked back holding him tight.  “Time isn't exactly a thing here Dings.”
“Ack,  don't call me Dings!”  He growled still trying to break free.
I smirked making my way down the stairs. “If you're going to act like a brat I'm gonna treat you like one.  Also you might want to stop squirming around or else you might hit your head on the-”
“Well can't say I didn't warn you,”  I shrugged descending the rest of the stairs.  
Wing-Dings huffed rubbing his sore head.  “I should've let that ball hit you.”

  Swap took one look at the two of us as we walked into the kitchen and started giggling.  “Looks like she got you too huh Wing-Dings,”  He placed a hand in-front of his face to quiet the chuckles coming out of this mouth.
A loud “Humph!” came from over my shoulder.  I set Wing-Dings down and took my seat.
“Him too?  Is this a habit of yours miss Y/N?”  Swapfell questioned with a shark-toothed grin.
“Oh a few of the others have shared the same fate as Wing-Dings just did.”  I motioned to Fell and B with a quick inclination of my head.  “You'd best be careful Swapfell I wouldn't think twice about doing the same to you.”  I playfully jested back scooting in next to him.
He chuckled at this.  “Indeed... Ah right Stars was just telling me about how you would let us examine you.”
“Hmm, yeah I don't mind if you do.  Just as long as you stay within certain boundaries.”  I responded taking the plate Swap offered me.  
“I suppose that can be arranged,” He took his own plate.  “It's been quite a while since I have been able to study a human.”
“Is that so?  Well I'm getting my stitches removed in two days.  Can you wait that long?”  I asked taking a bite of my food.  Wow!  These were delicious!  Swap wasn't kidding when he said these were his specialty!
“I'll just have to endure the wait then,”  Swapfell smiled starting to cut up his tacos with a fork and knife.  “If I may ask what exactly happened to your arm?”
I swallowed my food answering quickly.  “Got into a tussle with a few anomalies about a week ago.  One took a swipe at my arm before Fell saved me.”
“Ah, well I hope you're healing well,” for some reason Swapfell seemed less concerned and more disappointed when I told him about my injury.  I mentally brushed it off.  After all why would he be disappointed about something like that?  It just didn't make sense.
“So then Swapfell why don't you tell us a bit more about yourself,” Swap chirped from his seat next to me.
The newest house member paused mid chew.  He swallowed thoughtfully before speaking.  “Well as I have said before I was a researcher in my world.  Most of my work was in biological studies  Before that I was one of the most renowned doctors in the underground.”
“Wow!  That's so cool!”  Swap squealed excitably.  “Tell me what were your Sans and Papyrus like?”  Ah yes, those names had come up often on with the guys.  Apparently each of the Gasters' were related to the pair of brothers in one way or another; and like each of them the skeleton brothers varied a bit in both personality and appearance between alternate universes.
“They are my sons,”  Swapfell started looking down distantly with a small smile.  “The older is Papyrus, he is quite lazy and sassy.  The younger is Sans,  he is quite bossy and a bit spoiled.  The two could be a bit if a handful from time to time but, well they're still my children.”
“Yep,”  Swap smiled knowingly.  “I have two back home too.  My oldest Papyrus can also be a bit lazy.  Sans is the complete opposite though!  Always a ball of energy!”
“Hmmm that sounds quite a bit like my younger brothers,”  Wing-Dings commented.  “Except their personality's are switched.  Sans is the lazy one, and Papyrus was always energetic.  This caused quite a bit of childish bickering between the two over the years.”
Fell snorted.  “That sounds like a dream.  I was lucky if I could keep the two brats in my world from tearing each other apart.”
“My...  I guess I'm quite lucky then,”  Stars chuckled.  “The only thing unnerving about my apprentice Sans was that he would nap with his gravity off.  There were quite a few times when I had to catch him before he floated aimlessly into space.”
“What about your Sans and Papyrus B?”  Swap asked the silent skeleton.
“Hmmm?  Ah well I don't know of any Papyrus, but I did have my son Sans.”  He explained brightening up.  “He was actually quite well behaved, however he did have his moments.”  I cocked an eyebrow wondering what he meant.
“Moments?”  Swap asked for all of us.
“Er yes... have any of you ever heard of kleptomania?”
I paused mid chew.  His Sans would compulsively steal things.  I swallowed and spoke.  “Sounds like you had some interesting moments with him.”  I sipped innocently on my glass of water as B shot a look in my direction.
Beside me Swapfell chuckled.  “That is quite interesting.  Why not tell us more about your world?”
“Oh well there's really not that much to talk about.  I spent the majority of my time there raising my kin.”  B explained quickly before stuffing another bite of taco into his mouth.
Swap giggled next to me.  “I just remembered.  There was this one time with Papyrus...”
I listened to the guy's reminiscing about their lives before the void for the next few hours.  It was nice to learn more little tid-bits about them.  Like how Swap was raised in  some sort of culture known as the rivermen.  Or about Stars various adventures when he traveled the galaxy.  Wing-Dings generally talked about his previous work as the royal scientist, but a story about one of his brothers slipped out occasionally.  Fell's war stories were interesting to listen to.  In there own morbid way.  B tended to keep his past a bit to vague, but opened up every now and then.  Usually when he talked about his son.  Swapfell also kept the details about his past a secret.  At first I though nothing of it, but he dodged the  third question about his previous scientific work.  I started to wonder.

Swapfell stood up smoothly handing Swap his plate.  “If you'll all excuse me.  It's been a long day, and I am quite tired.”
I took a deep breath stretching in my seat before standing as well and gathering the others dishes.  “ I can get these Swap.  Why don't you go help Swapfell settle in?”
“Yeah, we should go do that.”  Fell swung an arm around Swap's shoulder.  “Come on Chuckles I need you to make sure our new arrival's comfortable.”
“Wha!  But Fell!”  Swap protested a bit as Fell dragged him out of the room.
“You can take the couch tonight Swapfell.”  The edgy skeleton beckoned for the other to fallow with his free hand.  Swapfell trailed after the two with a calm crooked smile on his face.
“I need to get back to the lab,”  Wing-Dings sighed getting up.
“Oh no you don't,”  I gave him a pointed glare over my shoulder.  “You've spent enough time up there recently.”
“Your opinion is noted.”  The young genius voiced walking towards the door.
I groaned at his stubbornness before a thought struck me.  “You know Wing-Ding I have a lot of cute things in my room.  One of them is a golden blond wig with lots of curls.”  I sang with an ornery tone.  “I'm sure it would look good on you.  Fall asleep in the lab tonight and I'll know for sure tomorrow.”  Wing-Dings gave me a deadpan stare before leaving the room.  I smiled turning back to the dishes.  “I'm sure it will compliment his eyes.”
Stars snorted behind me. “Well I suppose I should try and get him to bed.”  Stars chuckled walking out of the room.  “Goodnight Y/N.”
“Night,”  I shot back.  The next few minutes were filled with silence as I scrubbed at the dishes.  A light cough sounded behind me.  I turned around to see B still at the table.  “Oh B, I thought you had left already.”
“No I haven't,”  He responded staring down at his folded hands.
I remained quiet unsure of what else to do.  This was the first time since I snapped at Fell that B had stayed in the same room alone with me.   “I um... I just figured that you would want to hang out with Fell is all.  He'll probably be much better entertainment than I am right now.”
“No I'm perfectly fine here,”  He reassured calmly.
I hummed in response and tried to shrug the awkward silence off in favor of finishing my task.  Just as I started moving to put the dishes away I caught something moving in the corner of my eye.  I glanced over expecting to see B getting up to leave.  But, the blind skeleton hadn't moved from his spot.  Then what... There was movement again.  This time I managed to catch a glimpse of a small white thing poking out from under the back of B's loose green sweater.  “The hell,”  I couldn't help but mutter as I glared at the spot hoping it would come out again.
“Is something wrong Y/N?”  B asked curiously.
I jumped startled by his words.  “Um it's nothing just...”  The white thing wiggled out again.  It appeared to be some sort of bone.  “Um sorry if this is kinda out of the blue, but do you have a tail B?”
“I...”  B paused as his face started turning green.  “Sort of.  More like I used to have one.”
I raised a quizzical brow glancing down at the small bone as it tucked itself back into his sweater.  “Used to?”  I wondered aloud.  “Huh...”  I went back to my previous task while B remained silent.  After putting a few of the plates away I noticed the little white nub poking back out from his sweater.  I saw it lazily swaying back and forth.  I snickered when I saw how B's content expression mirrored the swaying of his tail.  Interesting I would have to keep this in mind.
B raised an inquisitive brow at me.  “What?”
“ Sorry it's just your tail.  It's so small and...”  I broke down into a giggle fit as I watched it tuck itself between his legs.
B's cheeks turned a light green.  “I-it's not that short is it?”
“Hmm, well it does seem a bit short for how thick the bones are...”  I paused watching B's tail droop.  Shit!  I inwardly panicked a bit hurrying out my next words to try and fix my mistake.  “But ya know it really isn't that big of a deal.  It's not that bad looking.  In fact it's actually pretty adorable... Crap! I mean...I... I'll shut up now.”  I trailed off as a light tint of pink took over my cheeks.
A light chuckle resounded from B's throat making me turn my gaze back to him.  His blush was a bit darker than before.  However, the somber frown from before had been replaced with a slightly strained smile.  “It's alright Y/N.  I know you didn't have any ill intent.”
I frowned placing my hands on my hips.  “You don't have to fake a smile for me you know.”  B opened his blank eyes taken aback by my blunt call out.  I sighed running a hand through my hair  “Look I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you were insecure about your tail.  I shouldn't have said anything”  I paused a second thinking.  Ah, what the hell.  Might as well knock both out at once.  “And about last week.  I'm sorry about that too.  I shouldn't have lost my temper like that.  I didn't realize that I would scare you guys like that.”
B remained silent for a minute.  I was just about to turn back to my chore when he spoke up.  “It's not necessarily that we were scared its just...”  B paused a moment contemplating his next words.  “Because of the war... it is easy for most monsters to remember the more... ugly side of humans.”
“I see,” I spoke quietly.  “You all must have been through a lot.”
“Yes that seems to be the case for most of us,” B responded calmly.
“I'm sorry,”  I said.  “Whatever you all went through.  You didn't deserve it.  So I'm sorry you had to go through that.”
B opened his eyes turning his head in my direction.  I couldn't help but stare into the rare appearance of their dark depths.  “You have nothing to apologist for.  It was your ancestors wrongdoing not yours.  Sins are not inherited.”
“I know.”  I inhaled a deep breath.  “Sorry again.  I shouldn't have brought up something so unpleasant.”
“It's alright.  It probably would have come up one way or another eventually.”  B rose from his seat.  “I think I'll retire early tonight.”
“Alright then,”  I gave him a small appreciative smile.  Not that he could see it, but it was the idea.  “Goodnight B.  It was nice talking with you.”
“You as well Y/N,”  B replied facing away from me.  A tiny rise in the corner of his lips was the only part of his face I could see.  My heart fluttered with glee as I realized something.  This smile wasn't strained.

The next morning was quiet.  Swap and I were preparing breakfast when Fell and Swapfell entered.  “Morning you two!”  Swap sang merrily from the stove.
“Mhmm,”  Fell mumbled tiredly taking a seat beside B.
“Good morning,”  Swapfell responded settling down in his own seat.
I smiled at both of them from my position at the chopping board.  “Morning.”
Swapfell sniffed the air.  “Something smells nice.”
“We're having oatmeal for breakfast,”  Swap chirped looking back at them.  “Y/N is cutting some fresh fruit if you want toppings on yours.”
“Uh-huh sounds good,”  Fell muttered trying to keep his head from falling.
“I smirked “Do you need me to fetch a pillow Fell or are you just going to use your breakfast for one?”
Fell snorted jerking his head up.  “Wha?”
“Why don't you go back to bed?” I said.
Fell growled placing his head down in his folded arms. “I'm fine.”
“OK,” I responded quickly before muttering under my breath.  “Tsundere.”
“Don't call me that,”  Fell growled.  I turned to see one red eye glaring at me over his arms.  “The hell does that even mean?”
“Oh it means-”
“Don't tell him Swap!”  I said quickly.  “It's more funny this way.”
Fell growled again muttering something I couldn't quite catch under his breath.  Whatever it was got a chuckle out of B.
Starts entered the kitchen smiling kindly.  “Good morning everyone.”
“Morning Stars,”  I hummed happily.  “I take it you weren't able to coax Wing-Dings out if the lab?”
“No I wasn't.  How did you know that?”
I winked mischievously at him.  “Lucky guess!”
A rapid clicking sounded from the hallway.  My smile grew as they headed closer and closer to the kitchen.
“What on earth?”  Swap muttered beside me looking towards the door.  “Wing-Dings is never in this much of a hurry to get to breakfast.”  Everyone wore confused expressions as the clicking resounded from only a few feet away.  My grin stretched across my face as a figure stopped in front of the door.  “That's a good look for you Wing-Dings.”  The irritable skeleton glared at me unamused from the door.  “What did I tell you Stars.  That wig compliments his eyes nicely.”
Stars blinked from the table.  “You actually did it.”
Fell roared in laughter.  “HOLY SHIT THIS IS PRICELESS!”
“It's glued to my head!”  Wing-Dings hissed through his teeth as a bright yellow blush swept across his face.
“That it is,”  I sang going back to by chopping.  “Take a seat Wing-Dings.”
“Where did you hide all of my acetone!”  Wing-Dings growled.
“Same spot I put all of the nail polish.  I'll be happy to give you the directions to the location.”  I grinned evilly placing the plate of fruit on the table.  “After breakfast of course.”  
Wing-Dings sat down and crossed his arms in a manner that reminded me of a pouting child.

“Alright now give it to me,”  Wing-Dings demanded as his plate was taken by Swap.  I lifted the collar of my shirt and plucked a folded piece of paper out from my bra.  “Did you have to hide it there?”  He groaned as he took the paper.
“Complain to the designers who don't put actual pockets in women's jeans.”  I sassed back eyeing Wing-Dings as he unfolded the paper.  “Oh, and one more thing Wing-Dings.”  He silently glared at me.  “Next time I'm practicing my make up skills on you too!”
Yeah... I skipped the editing a bit more with this one.  So I'm sorry for any misspellings or grammatical  errors.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox.
The Gaster Gang was re-imagined by :iconbunnymuse:
Part 9: darkangelgirl1116.deviantart.c…
© 2017 - 2024 DarkAngelGirl1116
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JokerPerson's avatar
This is great. No, Fantastic!